Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So if you want to be a blogger you are going to have to blog....

Hello again... Since my last Blog a lot has happened. It's about time to blog again.

Let's see. Karen and I went up to Penn State's THON! Where my school raised 10.6 million dollars for the 4 diamond fund! I love my school, haters are going to hate... But I will always be Penn State Kait.

Isn't that total awesome!

OooooOOOOOo Also... My THON child, Andrea, for Oriana back in 2007 is now a whole head taller then me. It was so inspiring to see her and see how funny and healthy she is. She played everything off so cool, but she means the world to me. See below, me geeing out at seeing her all grown up and healthy.

Great Guinness Toast!

On a whim Karen, Alli, Amanda, and I decided that've would join the great Guinness Toast on 2/17. Post 'As You Like It' at The Pittsburgh Public Theater we shuffled down the street to the Sharp Edge. Yes... I did have a beer.... I had some reaction, but not as bad as before. For those of you who don't know I have had a glutinous allergy/intolerance for about 2 years. The past 6 months I have been going through NAET allergy elimination testing... And It has been pretty successful.

It is also worth mentioning that we girls did some damage to all that food we ordered. I do not have a picture, but I believe someone else may have taken one. Duck confit, fig and while mushroom pizza, sweet potato fries, and pomme frittes with multiple dipping sauces. Yes, my friends and I know how to appreciate good food.... And pack it in.

Mardi GRAS Craft Party

It has become a tradition, to hold a craft party each month. Since I was going to give up drinking, meat eating, and *cough cough* other unhealthy like things... I decided to go all out with a Mardi GRAS party. 14 people attended. Laura made jumbolia, Karen made red beans and rice, I made a King Cake, Alli made tofu wings, Chelsea brought home made brownies, Heather brough cookies from Oakmont Bakery, and Amanda made Cajun Buffalo Chicken dip. There was much drinking, eating, and frivolity.... And intense mask making!

I don't know why post 10 years old and pre 60's, "crafting" is considered odd. People love to be creative. There is something to be said about letting go of inhibitions, and sitting down to create something. Then you get to sit back and look at what you've done. I am very very impressed with everyone who came to Make a Mask, and hope they are all pleased.

Enjoy these pictures, the masks are very telling of everyone's personality.... As well as the range of crafty crap I had at my house!

CMU Interview:

Yes I had my interview for grad school. It did not go as well as I would have hoped. But we must learn from all our experiences. I am going to focus on expanding my resume the rest of this year and apply again next year. Staying positive. Staying active. Staying IN THE FIELD!

Guys and Dolls rehearsal

'As You Like It' closed at PPT, so that means we have a 'dark week'. During that week they take down the last show and load in the next. What does that mean for the front of house staff? Well we have a week off, AKA I had no job. So.... I filled that time with volunteering at NorthGate. During the week we ploughed through Havana which is a staggering 9min40 second song. Teaching kids how to dance with each other takes a lot of time, rotating all girls so they all can have a turn with a boy. But I am immensely proud of them all for hanging in there. Honestly this show is going to be very impressive, and I encourage all who can to come see! (ps...Sit Down You're Rocking' the Boat is AWESOMEEEE!)
NorthGate Call Board

Moving Heather .....

My awesome friend Heather (see mustaches menance pictured above) was finally moving out of the ghetto. (Insert trumpet fanfare and crowds cheering) Karen was going to help originally (the week prior, since that was the original move), but there was an unfortunate delay of game dealing with keys etc. So when the big move came...but Karen had to work. So I decided to step up and fill in. I was part of 'Team Tetris' with Alyah using all of our high school geometry and fitting all of Heathers things into the Uhaul.

Funny side note, I knew Alyia from Camp Redwing. And ever since a staff reunion we have been Facebook friends. But now that we have a mutual friend through Heather, we have started running into each other outside of the cyber world. It's weird to work next to someone you know all about because you have stalked their Facebook, but have barely physically spoken to! I think she and Bethany are both enchanting, and will take this Internet shout out as an invitation to hang out and be real friends Pretty Pretty Please

Now, since I am a dancer... Naturally I am Very very clumsy. I entitle this list Kait's Clumsys
1st, I smacked my head on the park bench she has.... Yes Heather owns a park bench. (But don't talk about it, it's rude to gossip)
2nd, When trying to navigate the last couple of things in the truck, I slipped on ice/slush and half fell out of the truck. (and have the bruises on my legs and tailbone to prove it).
3rd and last, when we were unloading the truck we moved out one of the mattresses, a bed board fell down and cracked me in the skull. A huge egg sized bump formed immediately. Since I am a Mausser, I stubbornly refused to sit down and kept working until all was unloaded. I was a bit out of sorts the next two days. Poor Karen had to keep an eye on me, make sure I stayed awake for hours, and monitor my condition. Still not sure if it was a concussion or not, but I healed up just fine.

Stubborn is how Stubborn does

New job

It is worth mentioning that I just got hired at a pizza shop run by Turkish people. I answer phones, naturally, since I speak English the best. I am also a cook, preparing all sorts of food. The only thing I need to work on is pizza tossing... But that will come in time.

I'd mention the shops name, but find it best to keep it anonymous, just in case.... Ya know.... In the future.... If I need to mention anything.


I believe in being creative in all ways. When food looks pretty, then I want to eat it more! I gave up meat for Lent, so you may see a lot more fish and veggie dishes. (well, first u will see my pre-lent gyro attempt) Enjoy!

All in all... My life is continuing to be crafty and such... Never a dull moment.

Thanks for reading... Xox

Stay Crafty


Thursday, February 16, 2012

And So We Begin

First thing you must know about me... I wear pearls every day.
To work, to the gym, to cook, to bed..... Always.
A lady is always prepared.

I'm not a new blogger.... I have blogged about my travels before....
Summer 2011: Kait and Alli's Adventure
Summer 2008 - http://kaitmausser.blogspot.com/
Summer 2006 - http://kaitmausser.livejournal.com/
And tried a blog about the food I make, but quickly forgot about it.

Yea..... I'm all over the Internet... There is no fighting it anymore

So I'm trying my hand at a more all comprehensive blog about what I do creatively..... Aka.... Most of my crazy ideas.

Recent projects

1.Past Craft: Garder for my friend Adam's friends Wedding.

So my fabulous friend Adam was best man in a wedding and was looking for a garder for his friend. Of course I spoke up and said I could make it personalized for much cheaper. I went to Joann Fabrics, grabbed lace, ribbon, and thread. Then took a pearl from an old necklace of mine... Here is the result.

2. Monthly Craft Nights: How they began.... And where you can read about them

My friend Laura Is very crafty too. And is HILARIOUS! We were friends in college, then drifted apart. But as fate would have it we have reconnected. Since October we have been trying for a monthly craft night. Basically we gather some people together...eat...drink...etc...then try to work on a craft.

Read Laura's rendition of the proceedings:
Halloween: http://craftknackandcheese.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/knit-or-treat/
Christmas: http://craftknackandcheese.wordpress.com/2012/01/02/getting-felt-up-for-the-holidays/
Martin Luther King Day: http://craftknackandcheese.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/i-have-a-dreamcatcher/

3. Valentines Day: The gift of giving to the one you love

Karen is a great sport, and actually appreciates when I want us to institute 'Home Made' gifts for the holidays. This Valentines day I wanted to make her a winter Pittsburgh Penguins Hat. I crocheted the hat, then lined it with a microfiber fleece, then taught myself to cross stitch.... And made the Pittsburgh Penguins logo.

Needless to say....she loved it

4. Choreography: NorthGate High School Musical - Guys and Dolls

My good friend Stephanie asked me to help out NorthGate High School by
volunteering to choreograph their Musical. It has been going really well. love working with this age group. I think I forgot how fun it is (since I have been primarily working with Elementary and middle school kids for the past 5years).

You can see pictures of our rehearsals here: http://web.me.com/jaydeelake/Musical/Call_Board/Archive.html

(scroll back and forth to look at dates)

5. Food: What's been on the table lately

I really love to cook... And so does my sweetie.... So we make pretty food.... And I take pics. (Did I mention I am gluten free?)

Stay Crafty,
Lady Kait