Hello all. Apparently it is impossible to blog during April. So let's go a recap of craftiness.
Dying Easter Eggs
First craft of the month was a ye olde traditional one of Dyeing Easter eggs. Some people stop dyeing eggs when they grow up, or some wait until they have children to dye eggs with. Nay I say.... nay.... One can never be too old to excite the creative side of their brain. Karen and I made some lovely choices with our dyeing. I am especially proud of the 8.1 mile one I made to congratulate Karens most recent race. And she made a fun color brushed one that I was jealous of... I wish I thought of it first!
Manda's Prom Party
My cousins rock. who doesn't want to dress up and party. Karen got me a lovely corsage! The food was tasty, people seemed to like the drinks (it was still lent so I wasn't partaking). Karaoke happened... So did "the goon squad" mad props to my cousin Jason for his fabulous dress!
Dr. Who
So I had heard things about this Dr.Who series on BBC... And found it on Netflix. Throughout April I started watching the first series and am now hooked! And yes, that is the Tardis Sound on my phone.
What a lovely day. Went to church with Karen and was jealous of the number of large hats. (note to self, buy new huge hats for Easter!) French toast and butter lamb après. Then over to my parents for family dinner. Note: adorable Drewbie pictures coming up.
Dinner with Jen and Jay
Have I mentioned how much I love my cousins? Well I do, I love them all. My cousin Jen and her fiancée Jay were kind enough to invite Karen and I over for a dinner. I made a quinoa bake and Jen made this delicious tofu. Veggies Yeaaaa! Karen and Jay split this awesome beer (pictured below) we also played Apples to Apples and laughed a lot. I hope we can do this again soon.
Penguins Playoffs and Playoff Beards
So the Pens got mocked out in round one. But NOT without a good fight. Feeling dreadfully crafty... I had a Craft Attack! And was commissioned by Marci to make a crocheted Playoff beard for her son Elliot. Alas... I didn't have the colored yarn I needed. I called on all my Crafty resources.. And lo and behold Miss Laura Greenawalt answered the call.
She said... "Well there is more in the basement if you want." God I love my crafty friends! I found exactly what I needed in that one box. It really was a drive by crafting. I texted her from Amanda's, drove over, collected supplies, and drove back to Amanda's to watch the Pens game. Awesomeness.
Then I got it in my head that put of everyone I know.... The Amazing Heather needs a Playoff Beard! I feverishly worked on this one so she could have it before the next game. It's pretty much awesome.
Around the World in 80 Days @ PPT
Around the same time, Around the world in 80 Days went up at The Public Theater. I ended up watching this show twice fully, and quoting it daily. I don't think a day went buy during the run without Jodi and I saying, "It's a peeeeerfic time piece" I really enjoyed this show and ended up taking my mom for Mothers day (in May) and we laughed our butts off. (if you find our butts, please do not return them)
Guys and Dolls
So after months of hard work, the kids at NorthGate did a tremendous job in their spring musical,"Guys and Dolls"'. Here is a link to an article: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/ae/high-school-musicals/kelly-critic-review-guys-and-dolls-northgate-high-school-633921/
I know the kids and staff were disappointed to not be nominated for a Gene Kelly award, but honestly I am so overwhelmingly proud of how far this program has come. They really rose to the challenge this year, and yes I am considering coming back aboard for next years show.
In volunteered as choreographer, and was floored to receive an honorarium from the school district. The photo, kind words, and check they gave me really reaffirmed that the work I did was important. I love Choreographing..... And things like this remind me why I do it. Thank you NorthGate....and Thank you Stephanie for bringing me into this program.
National Dance Week
HDAT wrapped up their spring season with a lovely Spring Showcase. Shout out to Miss Ayisha, who was absolutely radiant on her birthday! We interviewed intern candidates that weekend as well, which was an interesting experience. Each year HDAT's program continues to grow, and with that so does our expectations. I really love working with them. National Dance week ended with a great day filled with classes. From 9am until 3pm students were moving and shaking in their different rooms. We had ages 3-6, 7-14, 15-18, Adults, and R&B (rhythm and brothers) all taking classes at the same time. Thank you to all who participated to make this years NDW a great success!
12 week Challenge starts with Tam Tam and Rave
My UDC mafia girls and I felt a little sluggish in our work outs. So we created a 12 week challenge for ourselves to get ready to meet up at Arts Fest in State Collage this summer and run a 5k! The first week of the challange was also a cleanse, which was really difficult for us all, but we are making some great progress and learning how to "let go". I can't wait to see you girls in July!
Nick and Amanda 1 year Anniversary
Yea for Anniversaries and Yea for Love! So glad I got to go to Sidelines for a celebratory drink with Nick and Amanda to commemorate their first year of marriage. They are kinda awesome.
Art All Night in Lawrenceville
Post Nick and Amanda celebrations. Karen and I met up with some Square Runners and Alli for "Art All Night" in good old L'ville. Highlight of our time there was seeing Timbeleza play. http://timbeleza.org/. They really shook up the event, and our good friend Mala was rocking out in the first row. They inspired much dancing, jumping, and other dirt stirring during their set. Yea for culture!
Dinner @ Eden with Alli
The month rounded off with a fun night of dining with my bestie Alli. We went to Eden Restaurant which is right off of Walnut Street in Shadyside. http://www.edenpitt.com/the food is gluten free and vegan friendly. BYOB meant that we brought a tasty bottle of white wine, sat outside, and we're the only people there that night. We reminisced on our trip, especially our last night in Madrid. Local, organic food meant a high flavor profile which had us both giggling and asking for more. What an awesome night out.
There is a whole month of Kait life for ya! Blogging is hard when you work all the time... But you have to try right?!?!
Whew... How about that.
-Crafty Kait
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